I used to ask Rick for the continuous DMT drip in 1994..

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Were you a volunteer in the original 1990s New Mexico study?????

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Yes. DMT40. Dimitri in the book.

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Would you be willing to be interviewed for a new book I'm writing????

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Yes, of course. What's the book about and how do you think my role would be contributing? Peace.

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The book is about the DMT (and related) entity phenomenon, so it would be nice, when discussing Rick's trial, to speak to someone directly involved about their experience, especially with almost three decades of integration after. So, some background to your experience and probably quotes from you would likely appear in the book.

If you're happy to be interviewed, please drop me an email at buildingalienworlds@gmail.com


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Amazing! Thanks for reading!

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There’s a great book about myth, meaning, and metaphysics by the philosopher Bernardo Kastrup called More Than Allegory. He talks about the need for a new myth today and set out to provide one and the story he tells is of a participant in something almost exactly like DMTx. The first half is non fiction, but the last section is a telling of this “myth”, which is really just a story of a participant’s interactions with a hyper dimensional intelligence facilitated by an extended DMT drip.

Highly recommend it! The stuff on the power of myth is incredible but the final story is perfect. Especially if, like me, you can’t wait to hear the future trip reports from DMTx participants. It scratches that itch - a little bit.

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Yes I know it and have read it! :)

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Oh cool! I'd love to hear a conversation between you and Bernardo at some point. Speaking of conversations, when are you going to go on Joe Rogan's podcast? It's gotta happen sooner or later :)

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I'll be on Rogan if/when he invites me. He knows who I am and has both of my books, but we'll just have to wait and see......

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It’ll happen when it’s supposed to, I guess. Patiently looking forward to it.

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I take it these folks never considered Changa. monoamine oxidase inhibitors are pretty easy to come by, and you don't have to stick needles in your arm.

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Changa is excellent, but it's not the same at all. Changa (or DMT plus MAOIs) doesn't allow you to reach a precisely regulated and stable brain DMT concentration over an extended period of time that can be adjusted in real time. DMTx provides a much greater degree of control, but of course it needs specialised equipment and training. Nobody is suggesting people do this in their homes, which of course is possible with changa.

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But that doesn’t necessarily mean one’s analysis of the DMT state experienced through changa is any less meaningful than one’s analysis of the DMT state experienced through DMTx, or through multiple experiences using the freebase form! It is the same state/reality, no?

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I was a supporter of the DMTx project until I came to realize that participants were selected based on totally non-transparent criteria, after "applying" with hundreds of dollars to even be considered (let alone the thousands of dollars it cost to participate if you were accepted). They wouldn't explain to applicants why they were denied either. It's sad to know that this research is being gated in such ways.

I can only hope that with the new laws in Colorado, that it will open up the doors for other groups to partake in such research without going through the same hoops. It honestly felt like I was joining a church and being told I had to participate in X, Y and Z beliefs before being able to take communion.

The DMT space belongs to everyone, not just those with their own weird agendas (financial or not). I'm a huge fan of your work, I just wish others had your fortitude because I know from first hand experience that the selection process was tainted.

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I'm not directly involved in DMTx apart from being an occasional advisor, so I can't offer any explanation for how the selection process works. However, I will certainly raise your issue when I next get the chance. You're certainly right that the DMT space belongs to everyone (well, no-one really) and I expect there will be other groups that emerge as time goes by and the costs involved drop. I can say that the DMTx Boulder project was not cheap to get off the ground and maintain over the years -- whilst it might look like little has happened, a *lot* of work has been going on, which has involved seeking locations to perform the work outside of the USA, as well as legal and regulatory advisors, etc. These kinds of hurdles and costs should fall away (hopefully) in the near future, but it's currently extremely difficult and expensive to do this kind of work without being part of an established university research group.

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Given the handful of people I know who were allowed access to volunteer for the recent study, it seems plausible that the factors 'who are you' and 'who do you know' in terms of status and / or at least social relation were influential. In that sense the line between 'volunteer' and chosen in-group is interesting to consider further.

On the one hand, discernments about psychological capacity / readiness to undergo such an experience might be proxied via social circles somewhat helpfully. On another, selections made via such a bias may bear significantly on the experiences and reports themselves.

At a further step back, such efforts of investigation are always influenced by the interpretive discourse and perceptual sets of researcher and participant. I mention this relatively trivial point to contextualise the relevance of social context of volunteer selection.

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DMTx makes for interesting research. However, if it merely stabilises and lengthens breakthrough the results will still be a research volunteer explaining what they have seen - essentially, a more detailed trip report. In the soon-to-be-published DMT & My Occult Mind 3📚 I will address head on the metaphysical mechanics at play during DMT breakthroughs.

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Yes, that's correct, in the current, most basic approach to using DMTx, it will simply be longer and more detailed trip reports. But, ultimately, the aim would be to communicate in real time from within the space, much like Tim Leary's experiential typewriter, but more sophisticated. Also, as I mention in the post, it's not just about "trip reports", but also performing experiments, structural and content mapping, and other types of research that are opened up by a much extended and stabilised state.

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Well, I look forward to the results and contrasting DMTx analyses with my own, derived from extensive experiences with the substance. Have to say, if you’re not familiar with my work you really oughta check it out. Especially the forthcoming DMT & My Occult Mind 3 📚 It’s my contention that an occult analysis of these states will ultimately prove to be the most accurate and the most meaningful. By the way, congratulations on your new book. It’s on my list.

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I wonder could we use devices such as Neuralink to be used as an interface to get the data out of DMT space, interface alternative to just relying on memory. Maybe psychenaut could ask the "all powerful" aliens to spit some bits out through the attached interface ;) On more down to earth approach, does Neuralink with its 1024 channels, is it even connected to part of brain that is even active, and could transmit. Maybe it is just equivalent of someone on DMT trying to type on the keyboard... Any thoughts ? Does recent scans from Imperial College's new DMT fMRI/EEG study gives us anything in regards to interfaces like that or rather the activity in the region that Neuralink taps into ?

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I'm very curious about your thoughts on devising ways to communicate with people in the throes of a breakthrough DMT experience. I've read Alien Information Theory and am working my way through Reality Switch Technologies, but if DMT truly alters the pattern-rule mappings that allows for the emergence of brain states that gates the information from (potentially) orthogonal dimensions, would this not essentially prevent the brain from processing data from consensus reality? I've typically smoked DMT alone, so I'm not particularly aware of to what extent it's still possible to process external sensory input while in a breakthrough state, but my experience is that it's pretty limited.

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Thank you for your courage!

I have extensive experience with extending the experience of smoking N,N,DMT by inhaling at 3 minute intervals prolonging the peak significantly, longest so far was 40mins. I am very interested in being a participant in a study administering an iv drip.

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Thanks for reading! I'm not currently running human DMT studies so not looking for volunteers!

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