great read!

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Fantastic article as always Andrew, you were sorely missed at breaking convention. Thanks for your continuing education on these most interesting states and how they come to be! Your books, online course and substack have been nothing short of inspiring! 🙏

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Thank you!! :)

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Andrew - First off, I am absolutely loving your articles and am grateful to have found someone “bridging the gap” so perfectly. Question for you though - given the expanding understanding about the role of glial cells in not just influencing activity at the neural synapses, having a calcium wave-driven communication system of their own, why do they appear to have been left out of the conversation? Not criticizing but curious about your perspectives on the matter. Thanks for your time

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Dear Andrew,

thanks a lot for your generous sharing of insights and theories. I was amazed by you 45 episodes master class on youtube. I have a question: You imagine that once in the alien DMT world, the brain receives sensory information from the new and strange world. Would you expect that this sensory information is in the same form as information transmitted in the normal world, i.e. electromagnetic radiation in various frequencies, sound waves, chemicals (taste/aroma) etc., or do you imagine that the information transmission in the DMT world is of a completely unknown nature?. If information transmission in the DMT world is done via well known media such as electromagnetic radiation then we should be able to detect it using very old technology. The fact that we haven't detected any systematic signals on any frequency would indicate to me that information is not transferred in this way. If such information in the DMT world does not use the well know "channels" then the hypothesis about the existence of such parallel worlds would also require some serious new physics in terms of a media for transferring information, a media totally unknown to humans but still detectable by the brain. Have you given this any thought?

best regards, and many thanks

Thomas Lindegaard

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Andrew, I’m curious to hear your thoughts about neural field theory and it’s potential implications for reality switch technologies, if you care to share. https://theconversation.com/have-we-got-the-brain-all-wrong-a-new-study-shows-its-shape-is-more-important-than-its-wiring-206573

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Hello good sir, i hope you don't mind me throwing thoughts and requests for articles. Please know, I'm just throwing it out with no expectations of anything in return 🤭 Your first books theory enraptured me, it's a very sound and logical theory. I prescribe to the 'we really know nothing' but this is my favourite yet.

I've thought about it and sort of added in a few pictures to what the 'game' is.

It feels like the planets that work to bring intelligent life to progress to the next level are given the right amount of resources to get us to a a point where we can progress (otherwise surely we would surely have encountered intergalactic travellers?).

At the end of those resources (now) humans will split into the 'conscious' and the 'ego' driven ie those willing to risk realigning their Thalamocortical to progress.

This is a sort of filter for the good parts of our intelligent species to make it to the next level. My imagination sees each level as a filter, some test to separate bad from good, until finally whatever 'wins' is a being that is advanced enough, or pure enough to wield the power these aliens must possess (pretty impressive code).

Almost like a way these aliens create 'off spring'

It seems human history has been quite well mapped out, primates, shrooms, humans and shrooms, humans with no shrooms and power conquest travel technology which leads to hell on earth followed by a psychedelic explosion, which has led to a real proper psychedelic revolution (the cats out of the bag now) where we are technologically advanced and will face the need to progress or perish.

I'd love to know any thoughts.

On a side note, would the Thalamocortical stay aligned if we administered DMT before death? As in, could we beat coming back down by our body stopping 😂

(and please correct me if I misunderstood any of your theory.

Thanks m peace bruv.

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For an effete English prod, you do an excellent impression of an effete English prod, yours Professor Coco Robichaud

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No idea.

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