If DMT ports you to the Hypergrid, where does Ketamine send you? Specially as it is man made. Is there something in nature which would also have this effect?

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It's a difficult question to answer. If you read my latest book Reality Switch Technologies, I discuss in great detail how different molecules access different regions of a vast neural state space (the World Space), which is essentially the space of all possible worlds that can be constructed by the brain. But all buildable worlds are not necessarily mapped to an alternate space (i.e. you're not necessarily receiving information from another realm). We don't even know if that's possible yet. Lots still to learn.

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Brilliant, cheers for the reply. I've got the book, I haven't started it yet. Im finishing off your online course and the beginning overlaps so I've been hesitant to pick it up yet. I loved the last book and was very excited for you to include the array of molecules in this book. Keep the theory's coming and let me know when you need volunteers for the DMT machine :D Peace.

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Received "Reality Switch..."....fascinating read. I wonder though, if making inroads into understanding the neurochemistry of these molecules, will ever answer the question of where these wildly complex, sophisticated realms filled with entities, telepathy resulting in similar experiences across decades, nations, civilizations and cultures truly emanate from? My personal view.....these are not drugs....they are technologies. I'm with you on this.

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Yes I agree they're technologies of a kind. Technologies we're only just beginning to understand and develop as such.

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Much thanks! I will add to site if that good. Btybd.com

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Of course! :)

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Hi, i buyed your most recent book and im starting now the first one, i love how you explain this altered state of mind, but by reading your content im curious of asking you, does this mean that even AMPAkine or direct ampa agonist can possibly act as psychedelics? I recently tried idra-21 as a nootropic and i swear i experienced what i experienced on psychedelics or low dose ketamine.

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There are certainly other mechanisms for generating psychedelic states (expanding the accessible regions of the World Space). I discuss 4 mechanisms in RST, but there are no doubt others waiting to be discovered and explored.

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I find Ketamine to be a fascinating molecule. Combined with LSD it seems to have very odd effects. From time loops (or, watching moments of time 'stack up' and then unfold as if I pressed play) to watching your body from 'behind' as it does things autonomously. The super hearing is odd too, although I guess your article explains why. It certainly does sneak up on you though. As always, top notch information. Cheers.

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