May 13, 2023Liked by Andrew R. Gallimore

Question for the volunteers: What did you learn from the entities, that you feel has crossed over as transferable skills / problem-solving in our physical reality? Do you believe that the other worlds and realms experienced on DMT, are where our consciousness / soul goes at the point of death?

I look forward to the event, cheers.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Andrew R. Gallimore

After having spent enough time in the DMT-space (unsure as to whether it would need to be a continuous extended stay such as with DMTx or rather overall time spent), would it be possible that now since the brain has gathered enough information about the world model of "over there", it becomes able to start constructing dreams using the world model of the DMT-space just as it's freely able to construct dreams using the world model of our usual human-space?

I'm interested in this because, while dreaming, the world model of the dream we're experiencing isn't matched against any external stimuli. Given that, after an individual experiences the world model of DMT enough to become acclimated to it, it seems logical that it may a unlock a latent ability of the brain to generate and construct dreams of a new variety using the newly learned world model of the DMT-space rather than having dreams that are constructed solely out of our native human-space model (somewhat analogous to switching the language you're speaking in so long as you're fluent in at least 2).

Has this been the experience of any of the volunteers?

~big ups to every one involved, thanks for this event!!!~

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May 13, 2023Liked by Andrew R. Gallimore

So many possible questions! Okay, interested to hear about any consistent themes from one journey to another or within on. Was there a type of "transitioning" into/between realms? Were you able to find go to a realm or visit a particular being/place from one journey to another?

Thank you Andrew for bringing this and good luck!

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May 13, 2023Liked by Andrew R. Gallimore

Question for Dr. Galllimore:

If the ‘entity’ phenomenon is more prevalent in DMT experiences than with psilocybin/LSD etc., could that be linked to the ego’s greater resilience under DMT? - Maybe the ego is finding a back door through which it can avoid eradication by splitting itself into a multitude of personalities, each branch perceived and remembered as ‘alien’. Perhaps with psilocybin/LSD, the Self is less obstinate about losing grip of all personhood ?

Questions for volunteers:

1.) Have you had an experience with psilocybin/LSD using comparable dosages in which similar entities have been apparent? If not, how was the psilocybin/LSD experience of depersonalisation qualitatively different from that of DMT?

2.) With DMT or any other psychedelically induced state, have any volunteers been able to obtain novel and verifiable information that they could not have obtained in ‘normal’ waking consciousness?


No need to mention anything I’ve written below - What follows is just the background to why I’ve asked those particular questions:

I have known friends, diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, who routinely heard internal “voices” that were often judgmental, sometimes instructive, which they felt as external to their own agency. In the late 19th Century, my great-grandmother may have classified this as communion with spirits. In the 20th century to the present, the experience has been designated as a stress-induced fragmentation of the psyche, when the unconscious splits into seemingly autonomous identities in a mind struggling to assimilate disparate ideations or conflicts.

And now, today …Maybe it’s aliens ?

I can appreciate the validity of all three interpretations. In former years, and with a discipline I now sadly lack, I would meditate for hours, slowly peeling away to glimpse, albeit only occasionally and very briefly, the Big Reveal: that this identity - the subject entity experiencing ‘I’ - was a dubious narrative of convenience, evidently acquired and self-imposed since early childhood as a vague placeholder for the attention-seeking senses, as a performative anxiety or rallying call to the troops.

Whether choosing to be mindful of it or not, experience flows through in a perpetual flux, and at the crest, surfing through it all, is an accrued lifetime of churning thought-forms, writhing to accommodate every impulse whilst taking in the sights.

A car horn bleating in the distance felt as much ‘me’, my own spontaneous creation, as did the rumblings of my digestive system.

I do not doubt anyone’s subjective experience of ‘entities/aliens/The Others’ - I might even have had one or two of my own - but I can see why Ye Olde Mainstream Science would have a problem with it. If there is no consensus definition for what ‘consciousness’ even means, let alone a shared theoretical perspective, how can there be objective analysis of phenomena that exist solely within personal experience? We are alien unto ourselves.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Andrew R. Gallimore

Wow! So excited for this.


Did your DMTx experiences have any effect on your life outside of the experiments, and if so, how did it affect you?

Did you notice any difference in quality or content in your dreams? Did you have dreams that took place in the DMT realm?

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May 18, 2023Liked by Andrew R. Gallimore

Question for the volunteers:

1) Have you experienced any psi phenomena such as telepathy, precognition, shared visions, or any seen any UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena)?

2) Did the study have multiple volunteers simultaneously as a team take DMTx? If so, were there any shared experiences or entity encounters?

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May 16, 2023Liked by Andrew R. Gallimore

Question for the volunteers: In a normal state of mind, how would you describe the vividness of your mental imagery? e.g. where would you be on the classic 1-5 aphantasia red star scale https://aphantasia.com/vviq/. And how would this compare to the vividness of images they saw with closed eyes under DMT?

(Motivation for the question is some commentary by QRI and Andres Gomez-Emilsson with anecdotal observations that people who report aphantasia get very few/no closed-eye visuals from DMT, but tend to experience the other common aspects). Many thanks Andrew for setting all this up and continuing to share your ideas and insights via the Substack.

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Excellent! Thanks for the heads up, I'll be looking forward to the event 💯👏

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May 13, 2023Liked by Andrew R. Gallimore

Did any of the volunteers feel a connection or communicate directly with what they perceived to be the source or fundamental energy or entity?

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This is a pretty amazing experiment, but as a study also very questionable. The participants are all far from being neutral test subjects. Anton Bilton is the main funder of the study and at the same time participant. Other volunteers have books and talks about the subject coming out, which makes them pretty biased towards positive results. I understand that you need experienced psychonauts for this project, but it should not be framed as a scientific study. Why is the involvement of the volunteers not stated in the conflict of interest section of the study?

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Question: Have the volunteers been able to come to any consensus about anything they all experienced? For example, "the dome" or any other semi-typical descriptor - did you all experience the *same* thing? Thanks, godspeed

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Sir Hamilton Morris brought me here and I’m forever grateful for destined connections 🫡🫠 I think this is one of if not the most significant advancements of the century, kudos Andrew and your entire team! This dialogue has been stifled for far far too long and has been an extremely long time coming!! 💠🪬Godspeed fellow Psychonauts🪬💠

Question for the volunteers:

Did you at any time further in than what you could perceive as the typical amount of time spent in the DMT realm begin to feel or even directly signaled or told that you were wearing out your welcome or notice any of “their” perceptions alter because of your extended stay??

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